
Austin Mordahl

Incoming Assistant Professor

Chicago, IL



About Me

Update: I recently defended my dissertation!

I completed my Ph.D. at The University of Texas at Dallas. My faculty supervisor was Dr. Shiyi Wei.

I am joining UIC as an assistant professor this fall! I am actively looking for students who are interested in doing cutting edge research in software engineering, so if you're a current/incoming student to UIC, or interested in moving to UIC in the future, please feel free to reach out!

Research Interests

My research focuses on transforming software quality assurance approaches to make them more accurate and accessible to a wider audience and variety of use cases. My work so has primarily focused on static analysis and fuzzing; I have developed novel methods to automatically test and debug configurable analyses, and has advanced the understanding of the full behavior of such tools. I have also worked on applying machine learning for the tasks of triaging and automatically configuring static analysis tools, lifting static analysis to work on software product lines, and on improving evaluations of fuzz testing.


NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Awardee

Eugene McDermott Graduate Research Fellowship Awardee

ICSE 2019 Student Research Competition Winner


RTL-Spec: RTL Spectrum Analysis for Security Bug Localization
Appearing in HOST 2024

Samit Miftah, Shamik Kundu, Austin Mordahl, Shiyi Wei, and Kanad Basu

ECSTATIC: An Extensible Framework for Testing and Debugging Configurable Static Analysis
ICSE 2023

Austin Mordahl, Zenong Zhang, Dakota Soles, Shiyi Wei

Download Here

ECSTATIC: Automatic Configuration-Aware Testing and Debugging of Static Analysis Tools
ISSTA 2023 Tool Demonstration

Austin Mordahl, Dakota Soles, Miao Miao, Zenong Zhang, Shiyi Wei

Download Here

Automatic Testing and Benchmarking for Configurable Static Analysis Tools
ISSTA 2023 Doctoral Symposium

Austin Mordahl

Download Here

An Empirical Assessment of Machine Learning Approaches for Triaging Reports of Static Analysis Tools
EMSE Vol 28, Issue 2, Article 28

Sai Yerramreddy, Austin Mordahl, Ugur Koc, Shiyi Wei, Jeffrey S. Foster, Marine Carpuat, Adam A. Porter

Download Here

SATune: A Study-Driven Auto-Tuning Approach for Configurable Software Verification Tools
ASE 2021

Ugur Koc, Austin Mordahl, Shiyi Wei, Jeffrey S. Foster, and Adam Porter

Download Here

The Impact of Tool Configuration Spaces on the Evaluation of Configurable Taint Analysis for Android
ISSTA 2021

Austin Mordahl, Shiyi Wei

Download Here

An Empirical Study of Real-World Variability Bugs Detected by Variability-Oblivious Tools

Austin Mordahl, Jeho Oh, Ugur Koç, Shiyi Wei, Paul Gazzillo

Download Here

Toward Detection and Characterization of Variability Bugs in Configurable C Software: An Empirical Study
ICSE 2019 Winner of the Student Research Competition

Austin Mordahl

Download Here

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ECOOP Artifact Evaluation Committee

ECOOP Artifact Evaluation Committee

ECOOP Artifact Evaluation Committee

ASE Artifact Evaluation Committee

PLDI Artifact Evaluation Committee

ECOOP Doctoral Symposium

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